Gray Horse Consulting LLC.
Gray Horse Consulting is dedicated to providing valuable training programs to personnel serving in the law enforcement profession. Our courses are designed to address more than the simple acquisition of skills and knowledge; offering a more comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles involved.
Beyond Mindset
Psychological / Emotional Preparedness is an eight hour course designed to enhance psychological resilience in public safety personnel. The course content provides a unique view of factors affecting human behavior in stressful environments, offers a greater understanding of the impact and limitations of training, and provides strategies to assist in maintaining psychological and emotional wellness following critical incidents and throughout one’s career. The course material also assists in offering a fundamental understanding of the psychological factors that support general emotional health, sound decision making, and effective leadership.
"The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are."
Marcus Aurelius
Psychological & Emotional Preparedness
"Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty."
Thomas Aquinas
Practical Deescalation
Practical deescalation is an eight hour course designed to give officers a broader understanding of the dynamics of potentially hostile encounters. The class offers an in-depth discussion of different methods that can be utilized to prevent confrontations from evolving into violent conflict.
Far beyond simple verbal deescalation tactics, the course includes strategies for assessing and neutralizing conditions that may cause situations to deteriorate.
Are your officers as prepared as possible for the higher standards of professionalism to which they will be held in the future?
police use of force
Likely the most critical concept in which officers are trained; appropriate use of force within constitutional restraints is key to ensuring the legitimacy of policing in the 21st century. There is no greater responsibility borne by police officers than the responsibility to use force lawfully and judiciously.
How often are officers receiving continuing training in use of force after academy instruction? Are supervisors and field training officers obtaining the deeper and broader understanding of the topic necessary to guide young officers?
This comprehensive course goes beyond the basics to the legal and ethical fundamentals of the application of force under our constitutional system.
"Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of man will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint."
Alexander Hamilton
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
John Quincy Adams
Fundamentals of Leadership
There are many things that can be learned, but cannot be taught. Leadership may be one of those things. It's a ubiquitous aspect of human life that's been studied and discussed for all of human history. Yet with all of discourse, we still struggle to prepare ourselves and others for the challenges of leading.
As the professional demands placed on Law Enforcement increase, effective, professional leadership continues to become more and more crucial. In order to meet the challenges of the future, we need to be ready to do more than supervise. We need to be able to lead. Maybe leadership cannot be taught, but maybe we can provide the tools necessary to learn it for yourself.
This four hour course will focus on fundamental underlying philosophies that make sound leadership possible.
Need Tactical Medical Training?
We all know that there are times when EMS personnel won't be the first to arrive at a situation, or where the situation remains too volatile for them to approach. Having the knowledge and skill to address serious, life threatening injury may be critical.
Visit our friends at 1042 Tac-Med and get vital training to enhance your capability to positively affect the outcome of a critical incident.